Before we talk about
hepatitis let’s take a look at the liver and its function in humans.
The liver is said to be
the largest organ in the body which performs the various function.
The liver removes
harmful chemicals and substances from the blood
The liver helps us
fight infections
The liver helps us to
digest food by producing enzyme bile, that breaks down fat and converts glucose to
The liver maintains the
blood glucose level
The liver stores energy
The liver helps to store
minerals, nutrients and vitamins (A, D, E, K and B12)
The liver helps in the
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein
The liver helps in
secretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones and drugs etc.
Now hepatitis is a
liver disease meaning liver inflammation, which can lead to fibrosis, cirrhosis
(a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver
tissue by fibrosis and sear tissue leading to loss of liver function) or liver
cancer. Hepatitis can be group into two, the infectious (is spread through
contaminated drinking water and foods) and serum (is spread through the blood)
hepatitis under which there is five types of these hepatitis caused by five
types of viruses. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E or (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV and HEV).
Symptoms of hepatitis
Hepatitis generally
doesn’t show a clear symptom from the onset but when it’s triumphing from the
chronic stage to the acute stage it is felt.
- Abdominal pain
- Dark urine
- Jaundiced or yellowing of the skin and eyes
- Extreme fatigue
- Dizziness
- Indigestion weakness
- Headaches (fever)
- Hepatomegaly and finally,
- Nausea
It is
advisable to see your doctor or clinician to get you tested when these symptoms
persist. And if you negative you then go ahead and take the vaccination.
Transmission of the five types of hepatitis
Hepatitis A and E (HAV
and HEV) are transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water.
Hepatitis B and C (HCV
and HCV) is transmitted through using of infected blades and syringes and
needles, childbirth or unprotected sex.
Hepatitis D (HDV) it
can only infect if the host has hepatitis B.
Cause of hepatitis
Hepatitis is caused by
a virus which blocks the liver's ability to manufacture and store vitamins and
other nutrients, purify the blood, release bile for digestion and release
glycogen for reserve energy.
Treatment of hepatitis
Apart from using the
orthodox medications like livolin and the others to treat hepatitis dietary
and herbal extracts gives best responds to its treatment
First thing for you to
do is to stop thinking about it and exercise regularly (exercise release endorphins, a chemical in our brain that makes us feel good). Eats fruits especially
banana, water melon, pineapple, apple, grapes and pear.
The treatment is a
herbal treatment, you can only cure or have a positive results if only you are
serious and you will follow strictly the herbal protocols but before then,
- Stop taking red meats/meats
- Stop drinking alcohol/cigarettes
- Avoid doing things that will put pressure on your liver (eating fats and oils foods at night) etc
Hepatitis is
one of the diseases that respond very well to dietary and herbal treatments.
Things you need
Dandelion and its
roots, ginger, lemon, activated charcoal, licorice root and turkey berry (abedru)
A concoction of the activated charcoal, lemon
and lukewarm water will be prepared and be taken before administering the
herbal extract. Note If you don’t
have money to buy the activated charcoal to you can use just the lemon and the
lukewarm water. The main reason for using or taking this concoction first is to
prepare, boost or activate the inflamed liver cells so that any herbal extract
that is effective in treating inflamed liver cells (hepatitis) will work
perfectly. The activated charcoal is just there to help the boosting process by
absorbing and clearing of poisons or toxins that might be present from the time
the liver got inflamed till date.
From there you have to
start the administration of the herbal extract. How do we prepare the herbal
extract? It’s very simple
Prepare a dandelion root tea/ prepare the extract
using dandelion root (the root should be both dry and fresh) and its leaves.

i really love this i think this will help alot
ReplyDeletei really like this i think it will help alot of people
ReplyDeleteI never use to believe in power of ROOTS an HERBS until i met Dr Erediawa Okoh a powerful Herbalist who gave me live again. My name is Doris Pat, i reside in Texas here in USA. After 3 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids. All because i was HEPATITIS B, I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great DR called Dr Erediawa who i met online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great Haberlist, how he has helped so many people. He has helped people to bring back their EX and cure so many disease, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Helen Grant, he testified about how his Root an HERBS, made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Erediawa Okoh email address After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 3 months, i will get cure an my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work.He told me the items that will be used to prepared the Roots an Herbs, When he had finished the preparation of the Roots the next 3 days he sent it to my door step an follow the directive in the next 2 months i stared seeing changings an behold i went for test i was negative feel of Hepatitis an my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Dr Erediawa has said, on this note i said there is every reason to share this testimony. Dr Erediawa Okoh is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine Dr to solve all your problems contact Dr Erediawa Okoh now through his mail: or call His mobile number +2348159412586. He will help you solve all your problems. Once again thanks Dr Erediawa Okoh for your good deeds